Google I/O 2016 Highlights

Roman Paradeev

Google I/O 2016




(mostly) by Sundar Pichai

Web and Chrome at Google I/O 2016

High Performance Web UI

High Performance Web UI

by Paul Lewis

Web Performance Tooling

Web Performance Tooling

by Paul Irish and Sam Saccone

Building the Google I/O Web App

Building the google I/O Web App

by Eric Bidelman

Mythbusting HTTPS

Mythbusting HTTPS: Squashing security’s urban legends

by Emily Stark

Great libraries and tools for great Progressive Web Apps

Great libraries and tools for great Progressive Web Apps

by Mat Scales

Accessibility is My Favorite Part of the Platform

Accessibility is My Favorite Part of the Platform

by Rob Dodson

for billions
on the web

Building for billions on the web

by Tal Oppenheimer

Fast and resilient web apps: Tools and techniques

Fast and resilient web apps: Tools and techniques

by Ilya Grigorik

The Mobile Web: State of the Union

The Mobile Web: State of the Union

by Rahul Roy-Chowdhury